کل ویدئوها تاکنون: ۷۹۸۱ ویدئو

برنامه نویسی اندروید : آموزش ساخت Short video مشابه یوتیوب

If you want to learn how to make a shorts video app like #youtubeshorts , #instagramshorts then watch this full series View Pager 2 - ViewPager2 is an improved version of the ViewPager library that offers enhanced functionality and addresses common difficulties with using ViewPager. If your app already uses ViewPager, read this page to learn more about migrating to ViewPager2. Benefits of migrating to ViewPager2 - The primary reason to migrate is that ViewPager2 is receiving active development support and ViewPager is not. However, ViewPager2 also offers several other specific advantages. Vertical orientation support - ViewPager2 supports vertical paging in addition to traditional horizontal paging. You can enable vertical paging for a ViewPager2 element Right-to-left support - ViewPager2 supports right-to-left (RTL) paging. RTL paging is enabled automatically where appropriate based on locale, but you can also manually enable RTL paging for a ViewPager2 element In this video i explained about short video app development android For any Paid work (Don't Ask me for free help) - Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/ankug6283 Abhishek G

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